This study is provided for information purposes only and does not bind either VDV Conseil or you. It can in no way be considered as an offer. For further information, please contact us.
Prêt Hypothécaire
Tout le monde bénéficie des meilleures conditions. Les affiliés de Test-Achats bénéficient d’un avantage exclusif supplémentaire correspondant à 0,45 % du montant emprunté pour l’habitation propre et unique (pour autant que les contrats d’assurances liés soient complets, signés, payés et que nous ayons reçu la commission de l’organisme de crédit). Vdv Conseil créditera votre compte bancaire dans les 2 à 3 mois de l’acte notarié de la moitié de la somme et pour autant que le crédit n’ai pas été remboursé anticipativement partiellement ou totalement, un quart un an après et un quart deux ans après.
Concerning the interest rate scalesome rates are negotiable, depending on borrowers' creditworthiness and related products (insurance, direct debit of income ....).
Outstanding Balance Death Insurance
VDV Conseil informs you and seeks out the best conditions on the market. Test-Achats affiliates benefit from an additional 5% discount valid for the entire duration of the contracts.
Fire and ancillary risks insurance
VDV Conseil informs you and looks for the best solutions on the market. Our role is also to help you in the event of a claim. Test-Achats members benefit from a minimum 15% discount on the product they recommend. All our customers benefit from discounts on official company rates.
Savings & Investments
VDV Conseil informs you and searches for products Branch 21, Branch 23 and investment funds,Branch 26 best suited to your profile, entry fees are always reduced (from 0.00% to 1.00%).
We are at your disposal for free, no-obligation advice, tailored to your situation and sensitivity. The information on this site is intended to help you prepare your application in a climate of trust.